Doro IDP Camp
Doro IDP Camp (internally displaced person) opened in November 2011 and by October 2016 had 51,659 residents, according to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). REACH’s 2016 camp households census for UNHCR found that:

With all available resources used to meet short term needs, households have very limited capacity to save, repair or improve their shelters, or invest in their children’s education. As a result, households are becoming increasingly vulnerable and less able to cope with future shocks and stresses
The provision of humanitarian assistance is vital to address short term needs, as well as to relieve underlying tensions related to conflict between refugees and the host community over land and natural resources. In the context of scarce land, limited access, and ongoing insecurity, the development of alternative livelihoods for refugees is key in order to ease pressure on resources
- Refugees struggled to access many of their basic, immediate needs, particularly food
PFP visited Doro Camp with HART in January 2018. We met Camp Leaders and representatives of the Maban District Commissioners Office. Camp leaders were keen to engage with any support that helps increase household incomes or improve education and health. Lack of electricity is a key issue for work, healthcare and education. Access to light and power for charging devices such as mobile phones and tablets, opens up opportunities for business start-ups, extended working on the land, evening study, light and power for health practitioners and midwives, access to mobile communication and internet, and improved security.
This Project will provide Solar Lighting and Power Units (LDBs) and e-readers, to Doro Camp and the Maban host community, under direction of the Maban District Commissioners Office.
Our aims
Enable the provision of better healthcare and safer deliveries in Doro IDP camp and the host community by providing reliable, portable light and power to midwives and health workers.
Enable access to education materials, and facilitate evening study, in Doro IDP camp and the host community by providing light, power and pre-loaded e- readers to teachers.
Support new and existing initiatives in Doro IDP Camp like business start-ups, the Women’s Centre etc
Light & power
Foster better understanding, communication and co-operation between IDPs and the host community through the IDPs supporting their host community with lighting and e-readers.
Photos from our visit